Thursday, February 27, 2014

Are you on the Coconut Oil band wagon?

Aside from Olive Oil, Coconut Oil is my favorite! The benefits internally and externally are just amazing. I use this oil everywhere on just about everything, every day. The health benefits from this oil are so good. It lowers bad cholesterol, improves diabetes, promotes weight loss, heals skin diseases (antibacterial) and the list goes on and on. If you haven't jumped on the Coconut Oil Train, what are you waiting for? 

Here are my 10 favorite uses for Coconut Oil. (although I could list a hundred!)

  1. Slather all over skin after shower/bath. 
  2. Deep condition my hair 2x a month. Also use as a Preshampoo treatment overnight
  3. Add a tablespoon to my Green Tea every morning
  4. Use as a delicious massage oil. I love to use this oil for massage during facials!
  5. Use on my children for their dry skin, cuts, scrapes. My daughter has excezma, this works great
  6. Mix with salt or sugar for a great body scrub
  7. Add some to smoothies
  8. Excellent lip balm
  9. You can even polish the wood furniture with it!

The uses for this amazing oil are just endless.. The best for your skin would be an Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil. The others are good for cooking, polishing etc.. If you haven't tried using this Oil you don't know what your missing. Right now I am using Whole Foods brand 365. It's organic and super smooth, tastes and smells delicious! Grab some Coconut Oil today and let me know how you like it. Do you have any interesting ways you are using this oil? I'd love to hear about it. 
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Have you ever tried hair vitamins?

We all want long, thick, beautiful hair, right? Well in my quest to grow it I researched these hair vitamins called Hairfinity. All the celebs are (supposedly) using them and Keisha Knight Pulliam (Rudy from the Cosby Show) is the brands ambassador so I thought "What the heck, I'll give them a try". I bought 2 bottles because the more you buy the more you save. Each bottle comes with 60 capsules (a 2 month supply) so I figured I would try them for a couple of months and see if they worked. I read reviews and most everybody said they work great, one review I saw said that her skin broke out terribly but I decided to try them anyway. So I get the bottles in the mail and I couldn't wait to begin taking them immediately! The bottle says to take 2 pills a day so that's what I did. I had to take them with food because they are not the easiest on the stomach. I took the vitamins for 2 weeks and began to notice my hair was starting to look shiner and thicker, I thought OMG! Have I just found the Holy Grail for hair! Then another week went by and I began to notice a couple of breakouts on the right side of my face. I brushed it off as (that time of the month) breakouts and I kept it moving. Sure enough my skin continued to break out, and not little blackheads or whiteheads that I can extract and treat quickly, these were big sore long lasting pimples that left hyperpigmentation behind after the inflammation went down. NOOOOO! I was so depressed! I finally found something that really had my hair looking and feeling great and they cause my skin to break out. Such a tragedy.. Needless to say, I discontinued use of the vitamins and it has taken about 8 days for my skin to start to look better. I had to cut out all sugar and drink tons of water. Now I am dealing with the hyperpigmentation left behind, but I've got an excellent product for that (thank God). Maybe you will have better luck than I did with the vitamins. Give them a try and let me know how it turned out for you..

Here's the link to purchase 

If you have issues with hyperpigmentation like I do this amazing bleaching serum works wonders!

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